Friday, April 16

Shaunie O'Neal Called Shaq A Monkey

Shaquille O'Neal is not happy. The Diesel and his attorney fired off a heated letter to VH1 demanding they halt production on Basketball Wives which features his estranged wife. He believes Shaunie O'Neal is out for "televised revenge." Revenge for what? Infidelity, probably. Dude supposedly got around like a record. Shaq is threatening legal action should "any further episodes of Basketball Wives which make any reference to Mr. O'Neal" air. On what grounds? Because Shaunie signed a confidentiality agreement at some point in their marriage, Shaq says so if she starts spilling secrets on-air it's so on . Shaquille and Shaunie O'Neal in happier times . Sources say that while the Basketball Wives premiere made no slanderous claims against Shaq, the second episode might make it to air following this letter Hmm. The Cleveland Cavaliers center and rotund NBA legend has been linked to among other women, mistress Vanessa Lopez who is suing him for harassment. She and Shaunie are actually teaming up against him as the latter seeks a fat settlement in their impending divorce. There's no telling what she knows. Those Shaq text messages may be the tip of the iceberg. We can only hope. There's got to be dirtier stuff than that. Basketball Wives come through!

Shaunie O'Neal married Shaq on December 26, 2002. The couple have four children together. On September 4, 2007, Shaq filed for divorce, but Shaunie later said that the couple had gotten back together and that the divorce was withdrawn. On November 10, 2009, Shaunie again filed an intent to divorce, citing irreconcilable differences.